In his award-winning, feature-length documentary film No Horizon Anymore, filmmaker Keith Reimink explores the wild side of spending a year in Antarctica. “For some it’s a lifestyle, for others an escape,” he says of the reasons why polar scientists and support crew flock to the South Pole each year. In “On Being Polar,” an eight-minute film, you’ll hear from Reimink himself about what it’s like to escape to the South Pole — and then discover that Antarctica is a place one can never escape.


Reimink3A decade of work and travel brought filmmaker KEITH REIMINK to Antarctica in 2005. With a small video camera, he filmed his first feature-length documentary, No Horizon Anymore, an award-winning film about spending a year at the South Pole. Following the success of this film, Keith launched DALIBORKAfilms, a Pittsburgh-based company focusing on passion projects including documentaries and music videos. Keith received his BFA in film production from New York University. The music of Ghost Heart is featured in “On Being Polar.”